Saturday, January 31, 2009
Facebook ad
This is an actual ad that was off to the side of my facebook page. What a disgrace! When I decided to investigate what the site said, to my absolute horror, the first line said, "Get the money the Government owes you." Oh dear, this is not good. We are not entitled.
And for the ad...
Government Money For You
Click here to learn about the BILLIONS Obama has set aside to re-energize the American Public!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tens of thousands more layoffs are announced
Obama said we need to stimulate the economy from the bottom-up, not a trickle-down like McCain's plan. It's a nice idea in theory but realistically killing jobs at the top to make room for jobs at the bottom in actuality kills jobs for those in the middle-- like me. The layoffs at Microsoft and Boeing are going to put me out of a job because those "evil rich people" provide me with a job as a nanny. I can't make a living by working for someone who makes minimum wage.
Apparently Obama's success is our failure.
Seattle Times
It's already been a lousy year for workers less than a month into 2009 and there's no relief in sight. Tens of thousands of fresh layoffs were announced Monday and more companies are expected to cut payrolls in the months ahead.
The recession, which started in December 2007, and is expected to stretch into this year, has been a job killer. The economy lost 2.6 million jobs last year, the most since 1945. The unemployment rate jumped to 7.2 percent in December, the highest in 16 years, and is expected to keep climbing.
Stop working-- Contraception will help the economy!
Children, aka future working adults, will stimulate hurt the economy according to the great and powerful Pelosi. I would safely guess that majority of the one-million aborted children each year were future democrats. Why would a democrat want to kill votes for their own party?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Pain in the arsenal
A man jailed after police found a weapons arsenal in his storage locker, will stay that way until his trial at least.
A judge determined the 65-year-old from Spokane was a flight risk and a danger to the community and ordered him detained pending trial on gun and explosive charges.
The man stored 37 machine guns, two grenade launchers, 54 grenades and C-4 plastic explosives in a Bellevue storage locker.
After he failed to pay his storage fees, someone else brought the contents of the locker at an auction, and alerted federal agents.
He was arrested January 7th.
Prosecutors say the arsenal was stored "very" unsafely and a fire could have been disastrous.
The locker also contained some anti-government materials, but authorities said it appears none advocated actual violence against any government.
The man's defense lawyer, Jay Stansell, says his client has no criminal history, and has kept the vietnam-era weapons for decades, never intending to hurt anyone.
Stansell admitted while his client's arsenal is a "concern," but said, "you can't shoot 43 machine guns at the same time."
Stansell also said, "there's no evidence that (his client) is anything more than a loner-type person with some unusual political ideas."
The Spokane man is next due in court February 3rd. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison for each firearm and explosive illegally possessed.
Hmm, there is something fishy here that I can't quite put my finger on. Key things are that the man says they are simply Vietnam-era weapons and that the anti-government materials don't advocate actual violence. But what worries me most is that they say, "there's no evidence that (his client) is anything more than a loner-type person with some unusual political ideas."
So... if you collect or stock up on weapons, don't like what the government says and does, and if you have "unusual political ideas" you can get arrested. I don't like the sound of this at all.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
An oath is void when you don't mean it
Hearing that bumbling idiot claim to help us through our grieving process made my blood boil. His oath was phony and he is overall undeserving of his current position and our support. He is unwilling to reveal his true self, cloaking his image with the great points of Lincoln and FDR in hopes to get us distracted by a shiny light so we can't see the smoldering evil emanating from his very being.
Our country has died and all he wants to do is rub salt in our wounds.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Leavenworth trip
What a wonderful weekend.
Aren't we cute? Other groups must be jealous :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Israel has my support

Via, this story has a tiny glimmer of the reason why Israel attacked the Palestinians in Gaza. Seattle
I digress.
This story gave tiny insight with small quotes such as:
Israeli troops now have the coastal city of 400,000 virtually surrounded as part of an offensive launched Dec. 27 to end years of Palestinian rocket attacks on its southern towns... Palestinian rocket fire has dropped significantly since the offensive was launched. Some 15 rockets and mortar shells were fired toward Israel Tuesday, causing no injuries, the army said.
Of course, no msnbc news story would be complete without the liberal slant:
Palestinian hospital officials say more than 940 Palestinians, half of them civilians, have been killed in the fighting. A total of 13 Israelis, 10 of them soldiers, have died.
Oh, the poor babies. The media often points out that a lot of Palestinian civilians were killed but after hearing that civilian (and I use the term loosely) woman shout out anti-semitic remarks, I wouldn't care if those civilians got killed-- chances are they were firing at the Israeli Army from rooftops.
Anyway, I too wish that people would stop the war and fighting but sometimes war IS that answer. Do you let a bully pummel you day after day until eventually you die? Would a liberal really turn the other cheek 100% of the time? I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for Palestine.
Israel, you have my support.
Sometimes I just need to complain (about things other than Obama and Seattle)
Ok, I'm done now.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Winchester 94
Thursday, January 8, 2009
WA floods made headlines
Northwest floods close roads, stall commerce
CENTRALIA, Wash. - Floods, mudslides and avalanches in the Pacific Northwest kept tens of thousands of people from their homes Thursday, brought freight trains to a standstill and stranded hundreds of trucks along interstates 5 and 90, which link Seattle's busy ports with markets around the country.The flooding — some of the worst on record in Washington state — was touched off by a combination of heavy rain of 6 inches or more and a warm spell in the 50s that rapidly melted the snow in the Cascade Mountains.
A 20-mile stretch of Interstate 5, the state's major north-south freeway, was shut down between Olympia and the Oregon line, with one section area under 3 feet of water.
"You can't go north, you can't go east, you can't go south. What are my options?" said Jon Amerman, a trucker from White Hall, Mont., who had planned to head east to Yakima to pick up apples after delivering a load of goods to Seattle. Instead, he pulled over to the side, and figured his company was losing more than $1,000 a day every day that he was idle.
Because of the closed highways, a truck traveling north from Portland, Ore., to Seattle — normally a journey of about 175 miles — would need to take a 440-mile detour. Ten thousand trucks travel I-5 each day, and an additional 7,000 move freight across the Cascades.
Pretty severe storm. I almost couldn't get out of Renton today because both ways through Issaquah were a mess-- one was clogged with traffic and the other way was closed off but we went through it anyway. Talk about gushing water! I'll have to try to take pictures of Issaquah-Hobart Road. Crazy.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Have I mentioned this before?
I hate working in a city where everyone thinks their opinion is the only opinion, or the only opinion that should be acknowledged. I hate working in a city where people protest or hold signs about everything. I hate that someone hates the fact that a child was named Warfield (an apparent family name) because "there's too many wars going on right now..."
Yesterday, someone was holding a huge sign by U-Village saying "Save Gaza" and before that there was the protest downtown.
Excuse me while I vomit at their ignorance.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Seattle says, "just take it up the rear, Israel"
On the same day Israel began a ground assault in Gaza, a couple of hundred people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest the violence.The pro-Palestinian rally at Westlake Park called for an end to Israeli air strikes and other military action in the Gaza Strip. Participants rallied and march through downtown Seattle -- demanding a halt to the violence and a resumption of peace negotiaions.
Despite its pro-Palestinian theme, the rally was sponsored by several groups, including one called American Jews for a Just Peace.
Today's rally took place just hours after Israeli tanks and infantry began a ground assault in Gaza, a week after the start of Israel's air offensive. Military officials say the goal is to take control of Hamas rocket launch sites.
Israel's defense minister says the campaign against Hamas militants "will not be short" -- or easy.
Too much inspiration
Before that I had a conversation with an old friend of mine. He grew up in Miami, lives in Seattle but regularly goes back to Miami for a visit once or twice a year. I asked him why he doesn't move back there and he said it's because there's not enough inspiration there. He's an artist and of course Seattle mainly caters to the artsy-fartsy, emo types.
Put these two together and this is what I've been analyzing for the past few days. When I got back from the Bahamas I was of course happy to be home. But the next morning when I went to work I was so unhappy. Not unhappy with my job but with my surroundings, the general atmosphere of Seattle libtards. I hated seeing the self-righteous bumper stickers of Obama-loving and vegan-endorsing people-- vegan snob is more like it. I just hate it. Sure there are beautiful things about Seattle but the people just driving me crazy. Too much "inspiration" for the likes of me. I don't feel like I'm "meant to" live here if I want to get all "Seattle-ite" on you.
Of course I don't have all the answers-- just too many questions. I have some more thinking to do.